Monday, November 12, 2007

Boy & Girl twins at Holmby Park

I was at Holmby Park this morning at around 11 a.m. when a nanny came with boy/girl twins. I noticed her right away, as we also have b/g twins, but more because she was being really rough with them. The whole time she was there she had a scowl on her face & was jerking the kids around & speaking really harshly towards them. The poor babies looked so bewildered & sad. I tried to make friendly contact with her so I could get info but she basically brushed me off & moved to another area of the playground with them.

I was with a friend who also noticed her & remarked on her behavior.
She gave us a very uncomfortable feeling as she seemed really irritated & rough with the children who were doing nothing at all & were only 15 months old (the only info I could get from her). In my opinion, this is a woman who does not enjoy being with children & I would be devastated to know that my babies were being treated that way.

Babies: boy & girl 15 months old, blonde hair. Girl in pink sweater, boy in blue pants & orange long sleeve T. Both walking w/ assistance. Combi black & tan, side by side stroller.

Nanny: Maybe mid-thirties, heavy set, Hispanic. Spoke only Spanish
with the babies but understood when I asked how old they were.
Wearing a navy short sleeved T & blue & white Nike sneakers. Short black hair in pony tail.

I HIGHLY suggest to all parents that you have someone your nanny doesn't know check on your children when she takes your children out......many people show their true colors when they think the parents aren't around!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

TAYLOR at Burbank Park

Dear mommies,
It has come to my attention through a VERY reliable source that on
Thursday, November 1st at about 9:30 a.m., a little boy, named TAYLOR,
about 2 and a 1/2 years old, dressed in a Buzz Lightyear (Halloween)
costume was at Burbank Park with his nanny and a group of other nannies
and children. My source observed Taylor having an physical altercation
with another child (as toddlers do!), and the nanny grabbed him, began
hitting him and yelling at him calling him a "bad boy!", etc. Clearly
this child needed redirection - NOT physical or verbal abuse!!! My
source took it upon herself to step in and try to redirect the nanny,
who not only became defensive toward my source, but the other nannies
came to her defense as well. My source observed Taylor very upset and
unable to console. As a mother, I cannot imagine this happening to my
child with the person whom I intrust their care with!!! If ANY of you
have an idea of who this child belongs to, PLEASE forward this
information to the parents.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Nanny of twins in Venice

I just want to put the word out there. Today, 11/1/07, at almost
3pm, I was at Ross on Lincoln in Venice, when I encountered a nanny
of infant twins with a 12/13 year old girl who seemed to be her

While I was looking through the rack, one of the infant twins was
crying hystarically in a strollar. The nanny continued shopping,
pointing out to the teen that a sweater was cute. She completly
ignored the infant. Then she checked out at the register, still
ignoring the infant, waited for the teen to pay for her items and
then they left. The whole scene took about 25 minutes, all the time
the infant cried hystarically and kicking his legs. The nanny never
once picked him up to console him or even looked at him to make sure
he was ok.

I am a nanny and a parent and I was completly mortified by the
nanny's behavior. This infant clearly needed attention.

The nanny was was wearing a bright neon pink long sleeved shirt and
jeans. She is hispanic and spoke spanish to the teenaged girl. The
twins, one of which was a boy, were in a red Maclaren twin stroller
and the twins seemed to me to be less than 2 months old. The infant
crying still had more of an "infant" cry. I believe that the family
must live with in walking distance, because they did not go to a car
and walked out of the parking lot heading South on Lincoln.

If you know who the twins might be, please contact the
parents and let them know.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Ventura and Laurel-nanny & girl

While out walking this morning about 11 AM, I saw a child, a girl about
3 years old in a stroller at the bus stop at Ventura and Laurel
Canyon. She had a lunchbox with the name "Holland" on it.
The nanny was screaming at her and hitting her on the top of the head.
If anyone know who this child might be, please contact her parents.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Nanny Warning- IMPORTANT

I don't even know where to begin on this one. And I feel so stupid writing this email. But I
feel that it is IMPERATIVE that I do and that I warn any of you out there looking for a nanny
or who have a nanny now.

5 months ago, when our twins were 2 months old, we found a woman who we thought was
a godsend. The most wonderful nanny. She was so loving with our kids, experienced with
twins, she was legal, she spoke English, she drove, she took them to such great places. I
checked all of her many references & no one had one bad thing to say about her.

Yesterday we found out that for the last 4 months she has been dropping our beautiful,
precious children off at some random, unliscenced "daycare" & going off for the whole day
to work either at other families' homes or at the farmer's market (or run errands or
whatever). We had to call the police to get our children out of this place because the
woman wouldn't open the door for us. It was a nightmare experience.

It turns out, as I said, they had been there for 4 months. The twins she watched prior to
coming to work for us had been droped off there for FIVE YEARS! She was dropping off
many other children over the years. But according to the woman who ran the place, our
nanny was "such a good person" because she only made $60 a day (TOTALLY UNTRUE) &
she was paying this woman $30 a day to watch these kids! OH MY GOD!

Anyway, this is way more detailed than I had intended but I almost can't stop myself. I am
so afraid for any of you out there that may come in contact with her because she is a
MASTER manipulator as far as I am concerned. A total sociopath. I never ONCE suspected
anything & we are NOT stupid people (despite what you may be thinking) & we ADORE our
children. I am crying just writing this email.

ANyway, I have a lot of information about this woman but don't think I should necessarily
post it all here. PLEASE, if you, anyone you know, has a nanny named Patricia from El
Salvador or you ever interview a nanny named Patricia....stay FAR AWAY. We live near The
Grove so she seems to work mostly East of the Beverly Center but I have no idea. Please
pass this on to anyone you know. I do not want anyone to suffer what we are suffering.
Our kids seem to be OK, but I can't sleep or eat thinking about what could have happened
to them.

Sorry this is so long. If anyone thinks they might know this woman or she might be
working for you, please email me off line.
Thank you for reading

Friday, June 01, 2007

Nanny Mecedes, girl Emma, Culver City

This girl's name is Emma, around age 2. Her nanny's name is Mercedes. The first day my nanny meets her nanny she told my nanny "You should go to the mall or shops, don't need to stay in the park all the time." My nanny ignored her. Then she notices M puts Emma in the stroller and
doesn't want her to get off from the stroller, even Emma asks for going on the swing, she told her to stay in the stroller. My nanny talked to the other nanny in the park about this. The other nanny said M does this to Emma all the time, but when the mom comes with them to the park. M would put on a big show to the mom. She would treat the girl very well and do a lot of stuff with her. In fact, normally she just sits there or talk on her cell phone. The other nanny said she wants to tell the mom the truth, but she doesn't want get herself in trouble.